It's always about this time that most people make resolutions on what they want to change about themselves in the next year. Almost all the time, they fail. I have failed at keeping resolutions so this year, I'm setting goals. I find setting goals keeps me more in line and more focused that simply setting a resolution.
In the year 2014, I would like to:
Travel and Explore!
- Increase the number of cities in Washington I have visited to 35% from 25% currently, along with taking photos of me at the post office to at least 10% from 1.5 % currently
- Travel to California to climb Mt. Whitney to officially start my highpoints journey, along with possibly doing a few peaks in the southwest
- Climb Mt. St. Helens
- Finally get to the top of Mt. Si and Granite Mountain
- Visit Vancouver Island
- Ski Whistler.. twice!
Improve my health!
- Hike, ski, bike, run, or walk every day, along with throwing in a bit of strength training
- Do a simple morning yoga sequence every morning, especially with a pigeon pose (dang my hips are tight!) and an inversion
- Make some apple-carrot-orange juice at least 3x a week
- Experiment in the kitchen more. Create my own unique recipes, and tweak ones from my cookbooks (and create healthier versions of restaurant recipes). Post the recipes here!
- Read at least 5 books a month from my book list.
- Practice living with less clutter.
Be happy!
- Ask myself, "what am I really afraid of" when I procrastinate.
- Just do! When I get an idea, I just need to run with it. 2013 was the year of big changes, but fear definitely held me back for other changes. Like the saying says, your dreams aren't big enough if they don't scare you! (And mine definitely scare me!)
- Be content, but not complacent. Be happy with how things are now, but don't let bad things drag you down.
- Don't define 2014 according to what others think, including the people that should support you but aren't.
What are your goals for 2014?